March 31, 2009

Determination of Adventure

Do you think it is possible to go through life without trust. That's to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all.

There is many women who actually live their lives in a prison. Not a real prison but their family prison, without thinking to do something about it, and most probably they are not aware of living in a prison of such a kind.

The question is why would you put your self in such situation. God gave us a life to live it. enjoy
it. make something out of it

To succeed you need to find something to hold on to. Something to motivate you. Something to inspire you.

Years from now you will be surprise how fast they past and you still didn't take your move

Hot G Vibe

March 30, 2009

Risk Taking

Behind every accomplished man a greater women.

You have to have the brain that works 24 hours. you need to go out of your comfort zone try new things, take risks.

Make your life worth living be creative be smart always be on top of every thing
specially when it comes to sex

You have to be right on top of fashion and whats new with lingerie,

Lingerie is secret to the man penis

If you have the right lingerie then you got the right start

And when ever you have the approval from the first look then you are good to go.

One of a Kind

We are always getting ready to live but never living.

Think of this phrase, is it real. Do we actually always getting really to live but never living.

You need a reason to believe you have to live right.
Experience life, enjoy it. Make something out of it, try new things.

Things you never imagined your self doing. Hot G Vibe is the right product for beginners. It will accommodate all genders the product is the best king. check it out you'll be surprise.

March 25, 2009


The world can change around you, but your dream will not.

Responsibilities need not to erase it. Duties need not to obscure it. Because dream is withing you, no one can take it away.

You have to learn how to keep your dream to your self and try from time to time to make it come true.
Am pretty sure you do have many different king if dreams and one of them how to look good while having sex.

You always need to work on your looks, specially if your showing your hall body to your partner. You need to be on your best look. the key for that is lingerie. Not any lingerie the sexy lingerie that fits right with the perfect color and a sexy toy would not hurt. HGV

March 22, 2009


You hear alot of people talking about how short life is and you have to live your day as it is your last day to live.

It is true, in our time life is too short to wake up with regrets. so love the people who treat you right and believe that everything happens for a reason.

you have thing the same when it comes to sex. you need to grab any chance will allow you to have a great sex. But of course the sex with the right partner with the right toys. There is nothing wrong with using some adult toys to make your sex better.

Hot G Vibe is one of a kind. it is what everyone women dream off. It makes your dream come true with HGV.

HGV hits the right G spot and and make sure you get to the level that you want in sex.

March 21, 2009



Feeling is the physical sensation of a touch. It could be through experience or perception.
Feeling is something really nice. love feelings, sex feelings, hait feelings, etc...

It is very easy to remember the hurt feelings but it is very difficult to remember the good feelings. most humans do always carry with them the bad or the bad experience feelings with them.

Moving on in your life is not easy, no matter what is the situation. Lost your job, lost your love one, etc...

some time you feel that your partner is the reason that your breathing or still breathing. and he/she is the reason why still belive in life. You could even make your self belive the idea that you need your partner to be able to move on in your life.

I learned through the hard way. You don't need anyone to make you feel good about your self. and even if you belive that this person is always making you feel good in your bad days. but the reality is, you are the one who's capable of making that come. Beliving in your self instead of your friend or your partner that they could do this job for you. Look it this way you are the one who's allowing them to make you feel better because you are expecting and beliving that you are going to feel better as soon as you talk to them.

You need to believe and understand no one ever will take care of your self as much as your self.
No one will ever know your habits and what you like and hait as much as your self, specially in sex, you think you found the right partner who will be able to get you to the best orgasm but listen you even could do that on your OWN... with the help of HGV.
Try it...................

March 16, 2009

You think its real


you think love is real?

in my opinion love does not exist. what exist what make people think its there.
you need to open you eyes to see the reality of life. which make your head goes round and round, and what makes it exciting for some people and not the others.
love is not the solution. its whats behind the love. the commitment, the responsibility that any two partner are welling to commit into relationship.

Sex comes after all that in reality. Everyone believes that firs is sex, second is love, then maybe they will think of commitments. but reality and life is not that. the real life that you could keep it interesting and going. which sex plays a huge rule in it. Don't you think so ?

Think about it and let me know.....